Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So you want to kiss a Wellesley girl? ;-)

Don't forget! If you’ll be in Boston on April 18, 2011, please come cheer on my DFMC teammates and me as we race towards the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer. The reason we run couldn't be more serious, but we like to have a little fun along the way ;-) If you're looking to have one of the best days/experiences of your life - the Boston Marathon is definitely the way to go! And what better way than to do it for an AMAZING cause like Dana-Farber!

So what IS it like???

The race is point to point and starts in Hopkinton, Mass!

You will be cammed in with about 25,000 other runners... so definitely don't expect any wiggle room for at least a few miles! The cheers from the Hopkinton/Ashland community will be amazing :-)

As you appraoch mile 12 you will begin to hear screams that just keep getting louder and louder... at this point you know you have reached the girls from Wellesley college. They create a 'scream tunnel' striving for unbroken sound as they try and kiss you - each and every one of you.

Don't forget to wave to the fire fighters in Newton! The hills are coming next so get ready ;-)

Welcome to Heartbreak hill! It may not seem like much, but after 21 miles... it feels like death.

Don't forget to say 'Hi' to the BC kids! One tried to hand me a beer last year.... Almost there!!

We have reached mile 25 and the official Dana-Farber cheering section! Only a little over a mile to go! Thank you Dana-Farber supporters!!


I've got a golden ticket!!!!

Our golden tickets came in the mail yesterday! aka the card you are required to have to pick up your bib number/goodie bag.

I am so excited that we are less than 3 weeks away for race day! We now begin the taper and at this point I am thrilled! Don't get my wrong, I've definitely enjoyed the training, but even I am getting a little tired of doing those long runs in the snow/rain/wind...

It is getting down to the wire and I am still not quite where I want to be in terms of fund raising! If everyone pitches in (just a little!) we can do it - I know we can! Dana-Farber does amazing work and I would hate to see our team not reach this goal!

Again, if you will be in Boston on Monday, April 18th you should DEFINITELY come check out the race! It is such a fun experience and the crowds are AMAZING! I am so excited to see the crowds in Ashland, the girls at Wellesley, and BC, Heartbreak hill, and of course all the patient partners and Dana-Farber supporters at mile 25! This is going to be another wonderful experience, I'm sure!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Don't think you can run 26.2, but still want to help out? VOLUNTEER!!!

If you've ever doubted that you could ever run 26.2 miles - let me tell you one thing. 99.9% of you are WRONG. But, even if at this point you aren't WILLING (willing, I didn't say you weren't ABLE ;-) to take on the challenge of the marathon there are still many other ways you can help!!

The Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge is currently looking for volunteers during marathon weekend! There are so many opportunites from set-up crews, runner check-ins, on course support, medical support, cheering sections, ect. To see the full list of opportunies check out this link!

Either way! If you’ll be in Boston on April 18, 2011, please come cheer on my DFMC teammates and me as we race towards the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer.  We train and run with thousands of special people in mind and hope in our hearts.  Dana-Farber is setting the pace in the race against cancer, and we’re grateful for your help.
THANK YOU ALL! So much for your wonderful support! Please, if you haven't had a chance yet, check out my website and support my run! I know we can do this!!! Every little but helps, no matter if you are able to give $5, $20, $50, or $100. Every gift is amazing :-)

And if you can.. help spread the word!!!!

Training is going well other than a nagging knee problem.. yuck. I've been doing less running/more xtraining to hopfully get it back to normal.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Great morning :-)

Such a blessing to be able to register for yet another great race! Vince and I registered for the 2011 Beach to Beacon this morning at 7am! Thousands of runners took to their computers and it was filled within MINUTES! So lucky to in! The race is definitely one of the best in Maine - finishing on top of Fort Williams right along the coast :-)

Training has been going well lately! So thankful to be able to get outside more and spend less days inside on the treadmil. Vince went for part of my run with me the other day. It's so nice to be able to have someone to chat it up with out there! I so wish that I were closer to Boston and able to participate in the DFMC group runs. They sound like so so so much fun!!

Special thanks to everyone who has donated up through March! There is still time left to support this AMAZING cause! I am still hoping to reach my goal, but I can't do it without your help!

Dana-Farber aims to 'raise the Barr' this year by raising 4.5 million dollars for the Claudia Adams Barr Program!  REMEMBER PEOPLE - 100% of your donation goes DIRECTLY to this program to fund innovative basic cancer research!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Awesome friends :-)

It's such a wonderful feeling knowing that everyone is so supportive of the crazy things I am doing! I had a bunch of friends help spread the word about my quest to end cancer this week - how lucky am I? :-) I sure feel pretty lucky! Thanks so much Joe, Jon, Meg & Marie! You guys are the best!!

Thank you to everyone who has already donated to my cause! If you haven't yet and you would like to support my run in the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge, follow my link right from this page! Make your donation in memory or in honor of a loved one/friend and I will be sure to add his/her to my list :-)

You guys are the best!! Thank you so much!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

DFMC singlet has arrived!

I received my DFMC singlet in the mail this past week! Exciting, exciting :-) They look great and I am so proud to be able to wear it come race day!

There has been a lot of talk about the newest announcement from the BAA. Check our the changes for the Boston Marathon in years to come! I think the changes are great - although it stinks to hear so much bad talk about the charity programs from fellow runners. I hope to qualify someday, but until then I can't really see sitting home and feeling like I don't belong. As long as the BAA still offers the programs, I will still continue to apply in hopes that I can make a difference :-)

Training as been going well. Nothing too exciting to report. I've had to skip some days recently and my long run is about 1-2 miles shorter than I had hoped at this point, but I'm sure everything will turn out fine!

I'm not quite at where I had hoped to be by this point as far as fundraising goes. I really hope that the next couple of weeks will pick up! I really want to be able to reach my goal - or at least be almost there by race day! I know we can do this, but I can't do it alone. I need your help!

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me this far! I couldn't be doing this without you :-) I received 3 donations this past week from 3 very special people to me - and with the week I've had let me tell you - getting the "Congratulations! Someone has made a donation to your run!" emails truly MAKE MY DAY! Thank you all so much! It really uplifts me every time someone is able to help support such an amazing cause.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday Long Run & Fundraising Update!

I slacked off on my long run this Sunday so I made sure to tackle it Monday (yesterday). A slow 10 miles around Fairfield wasn't too bad. Weather was nice and quite warm (comparatively)! Overall my training is going pretty well. Was a bit set back for a couple of weeks due to a health issue about a month ago, but hopefully the worse of that is behind me now!

I've decided to switch my days around a bit, but I am still following Jack's marathon training schedule for beginners pretty close! He does a great job coaching/helping us. Jack Fultz is a veteran marathoner and the winner of the 1976 Boston Marathon! A typical week for me looks like this:

Sunday: long run, stretch
Monday: rest, strength
Tuesday: shorter run
Wednesday: shorter run, strength
Thursday: cross train 30-60 minutes
Friday: medium run, strength
Saturday: cross train 30-50 minutes

Right now, my long run is up to 10 miles. The next few weeks should average around 30-40 miles per week, increasing each week.


I am still a LONG way away from reaching my goal of $10,000! I know we can do it though. I am keeping this faith! I know many of you have said you would love to donate - and there is no time like the present :-) If you need my address to send a check (made out to Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge) definitely let me know and I would be more than happy to get it to you!

If your company has a matching gift program - ask me about the forms for that as well!

I know we can do this guys! I'd love to be able to raise as much as possible by Marathon Monday! Please tell your family/friends and share my message with anyone you think may like to help! The donations that get me the most are the ones that come from the people you least expect :-)

To all of you who have already donated - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!  And to my donors from BOTH last year and this year - a special thank you to you!!!!!!!

More races for great causes!

This past week has been pretty awesome :-)

I sat at my computer at 6:30pm on February 2nd with my credit card in hand more read than EVER to hit that submit button. So worried/nervous that I wouldn't get in - but, by some miracle from God, I signed up for my second Maine Tri for a Cure right before the registration slots for 850 athletes closed after just 4 minutes!!!

Tri for a Cure is an all womens sprint triathlon held in beautiful South Portland, ME! The event is in its 4th year and is one of the signature fundraising events of the Maine Cancer Foundation! MCF is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and well being of Maine people by funding cancer research, education and patient support programs. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to participate for the second year in a row! Last year was an AMAZING experience! I strongly encourage any woman who has been touched by this awful disease to TRI it out :-)

In addition to signing up for the TRI, I was also able to register for the Maine Marathon! Registration is STILL OPEN for any of you still contemplating ;-) A BEAUTIFUL course right along the Maine coastline! The race isn't until October so even if you haven't run a mile in your life - I would be MORE than happy to help you out and get you going! And I mean that for ANYONE who is thinking about running this race!

Why run a marathon?

I mean, let's be honest. 26.2 miles by foot sure is a LONG way! What makes people want to endure the pain of training for months and months only to endure MORE pain for a few hours? Your entire body is taking a beating, your glycogen stores are most likely gone by mile 20 and your starting to hit the wall... and all for what? So you can hobble around for the next week? To say you finished? Well, that is certainly one of the many reasons people give, but I think there is something more than just to be able to say "I did it."

I wondered too, many years ago, why would anyone want to do such a painful thing? I assumed most had done it just to SAY they had done it. But, then I started running for a purpose. And I couldn't stop.

I ran through out high school, mostly to stay in shape. Slacked off from time and time throughout college - but, it wasn't until my senior year that I thought about running for a purpose other than to just cross the finish line.

We all ask ourselves the age old questions from time to time "why am I here?" "what is my purpose in life?" "am I happy?" I really started thinking about the answers to those questions about a year ago. Why HAD God put me on this earth? What DOES He want me to do? And then, it hit me. The wall.

I joined the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge and finished my first marathon EVER in 2010. I was of course, very nervous. Many told me I couldn't do it, I couldn't run the 26.2 miles, I couldn't fundraise the $5,000. I thought to myself "well, I'll show them, I'll finish it!" I did end up finishing the marathon and let me tell you it was TOUGH. I was definitely not prepared as well as I should have been. Physically, our bodies can definitely take it. Especially the body of a healthy 22 year old female. But, mentally - no way. Not even close.

The wall hit me way earlier than I had expected. The feeling that I just couldn't go on. It was too tough. I was too slow, it wasn't worth it. I can just hop on one of those medical busses and they will carry my slow butt to the finish line. I ran most of the race with a fellow DFMC runner and she definitely helped me push. But, as I hit the wall - knowing I had miles and miles to go - I thought "wait a minute, why am I doing this again?"

I swear, my brain did a 180 those last 6 miles. As we approached mile 25 my heart was truly in it. And for all the right reasons. It was no longer about ME finishing the race or what I'M going to get out of it. It was different. Thank the Lord that I am ABLE to run this race, that I am ABLE to make an impact in the lives of others and that through running, I could possible serve Him. I knew running for Dana-Farber was a worthy cause, but it wasn't until I saw the faces of the children and families who had come out to support us at mile 25 (the DFMC cheering section) that I truly knew why I was running.

We all run for different reasons. Some run to stay in shape, some run to say they did it, some run simply because they can. We all run the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge for different reasons too. Whether its a loved one who was treated at the DFCI/Jimmy Fund Clinic, a friend, a colleague, or someone we know who has had/has cancer - we are all running in hopes that some day, those that we are running for will be able to run with us.

God has truly blessed me with a wonderful gift. That gift is two working legs, a clean bill of health and the drive to never give up the fight. We all have the power in us to love one another. To help one another. To do ALL we can to support one another, and we CAN do it.

Philippians 4:13

Friday, February 4, 2011

First Post!

I thought I would try this out and see how it goes :-) I'll use this blog to record my fund raising progress as well as my training and anything and everything that has to do with my fundraising efforts to find a cure for cancer!